Sunday, 23 June 2013

What motivates you?

It has been interesting to note that even though i have started a few blogs, i think readers are starting to appreciate the mindset behind each blog, be it punting the IPO market, investing the SRS money,  trading the markets or investing in a property. It is all linked together yet independent.

Today i cover a passion of mine, which is also linked to all the remaining blogs, i.e. travelling.

You must know what motivates you and travelling for leisure (not for work lah!) is what motivates me to work very hard towards the next break. I am already thinking of where to go for the next holidays even though i just came back from one. It is what drives me to put in a lot of hard work, to be extra efficient so that i can free up my time for the next holidays and to know that i have "earned" that break.

I have shared with you that your career is very important previously. So making sure that you have adequate breaks will allow you to be efficient and effective in what you do and create a positive impact in your career (well, that is how i justify my travelling expenses anyway).

What motivates me to keep searching for passive income hoping to 'retire early' is so that i still have the life to travel round the world and to do that, i will need to ensure that my passive income is able to sustain my future lifestyle.

I am a DIY traveller. I like to plan everything myself. Maybe that is just my nature. I like to be in control and i hate package tours. My last package tour was more than 10 years ago and it will probably be the last unless i cannot convince my wife to go South Africa, Turkey or Egypt on our own. Why pay a hefty tip to a tour guide who brings you to shop at "black shops" most of the time? This is especially true in China!

Anyway, this is my 3rd driving trip to Europe in recent years and after driving "left-hand" drive for a few times, i realized that i have unknowingly became more proficient in it. In fact, this time round, i felt that it was second nature to me that i didn't even have to remind myself to keep to the right anymore. hahaha. I had no trouble switching back to right hand drive when i came back. A similar thought went through my mind, if you keep practicing your trading and investing skills, it will probably become second nature to you one day and you will have no difficulty switching from one mindset to another either.

Coming back to the purpose of this blog. Originally i wanted it to be a useful resource to fellow travelers (from Singapore perhaps) but I really couldn't find the time to blog extensively and the fact that i "couldn't" splash my real face on this blog will make this travel blog less interesting. hahaha. Perhaps i will use pictures of myself when i eventually "retire" next time, but until then. haha ^_^

I am thinking that I can do a weekly post on a random city or place which i have been in the past and as time past, it will create a database of blog posts and readers will be able to ask for help or advice should they want to visit the same place.

Let me think of an interesting place which i have been to start :)

1 comment:

  1. [[ anonymous 7 ]]

    My last package tour was more than 10 years ago and it will probably be the last unless i cannot convince my wife to go South Africa, Turkey or Egypt on our own. Why pay a hefty tip to a tour guide who brings you to shop at "black shops" most of the time? This is especially true in China!


    Adding value to holiday trips.

    Referring to how others do things : What do they do in Egypt / South Africa that must not be done in Singapore?


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